Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I'm super tired. Yesterday was really draining for me. I did get to talk to Love last night only 5 minutes afert nursing Pickle. It was a very broken conversation that I had to use my Folks' land line to call back when it got lost. It was nice to hear his voice and to know that he didn't feel like he had to come home early. "We will deal with it when I get back" is all he said. I have been praying ever since. I've gotten lots of email, facebook messages, texts and phone calls to make sure we are doing o.k. Thank you for your thoughts, prayers and support in every other way. We have the best family and friends. 

On to other things. I picked up my trial cloth diapers today, we will see. Pickle didn't seem too excited as his clothes don't fit as well now. I will have to fix that and within the first 10 minutes of wearing his first cloth diaper he pooped! Oh yeah! It was fine. I am excited to see how this goes. I only bought a few to see if it would be for us, I really hope so. It is so nice that we have a local gal that makes them from her home. I have been reading her blog for a while now and finally got to meet her. That was really nice and she offers to walk you through anything you want about the products. Great support, and there is a local cloth diaper support group that meets monthly! 

I didn't get much sleep last night, so I'm going to go to bed early tonight. Not much else, but I did workout today for almost an hour. Had a pink and green smoothie! Feel good about that. Did a load of dishes and still need to look over the lesson for Awana for tomorrow. 

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